Passing the Peace
A Blog By PAX Center for Spiritual Formation
Blogs To Explore At The Start Of A New Year
Most Recent Blog Posts
Below you will find the rest of our blogs beginning with the most recently posted. We hope these provide a small slice of nourishment & a space to pause & listen in the midst of your day. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at & we will get back to you as soon as we can!
Living Lent
Well, that was different! - I don’t know about you, but as a kid, I grew up with a deep desire to understand & feel my faith….
Does God Really Laugh At Our Plans?
What parts of your life do you share with God? Are there some things that come up easily in prayer & other things that feel…
Advent Week 4: Love
Only a week to go until we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Each year we are swamped with siren calls to spend, lovely images that lure us to expectations of…
Advent Week 3: Joy
What Christmas music do you find yourself returning to each year? Like many years before, I’m still listening to Nat King Cole’s album, “The Christmas Song”…
Advent Week 2: Peace
When I was first asked to reflect on the theme of peace, linked with this text from Luke, I wasn’t too sure of the connection! Nowhere in the text can the word “peace” be found…
Advent Week 1: Hope
Advent means “coming” & this definition almost inadvertently accompanies a sense of waiting, whether that is joyful waiting, a difficult waiting, or perhaps it is a waiting with some combination…
Beauty for Ashes: Photography as a Spiritual Practice
Art had always been my favorite subject in school, & when I ran out of art classes to take in high school, I signed up for photography. With a heavy manual film camera in my hand, I ventured into…
Finding Recovery
In early 2022 I found myself sitting in a job interview for a pastoral role for an inner-city church campus. The team asked me, “What experience do you have working with…
From An Enneagram 8
A mentor once told me, “Others may argue with your theology, but they can’t argue with your experience.” This powerful statement often…
Daydreaming With God
I’ve always been kind-of a daydreamer. As a preteen, I would often disappear & wander, sometimes for hours, in the woods & fields near our New Jersey home with only a…
What Does Passing the Peace Mean to Me in Light of Who I Am?
When I was a child, one of my parents adoringly referred to me as the peacekeeper. That title became a much more rigorous position to uphold as factions within…
What is Spiritual Direction?
What is spiritual direction? This is a question I have been asked many times throughout my life, often after someone asked…
Walking in Freedom: Finding Our Relational Security in Christ
When I was a young girl, my family lived on a farm just outside of Annapolis, Maryland. I would often spend all day…
What Does Passing the Peace Mean to Me in Light of Who I Am?
My earliest memories of coming to America as an immigrant child are punctuated by complicated feelings of welcome &…
How We Named Our Blog
I grew up in a church where every week we would pause at one point in the service to “pass the peace.” Snuck in between the…